Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

Why No One is Looking at Your Resume

You have a great resume, great work experience, and you’re good at your job, yet no one is looking at your resume. Why? It might be because of this costly mistake.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

How to Quit When You Have a Toxic Boss

We do 👏🏼 not 👏🏼 stoop 👏🏼 to 👏🏼 their 👏🏼 level 👏🏼. If there’s anything I’ve learned about toxic bosses it’s that they want you to react. Do not. Here’s what you’re going to do instead when you go to hand in your resignation letter to your toxic boss.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

How to be More Charismatic

Charisma is the most powerful characteristic you can possess. It’s the ability to get people to follow you, to trust you, to like you that will get you further in life than literally anything else. The good thing is you can become more charismatic. Here’s how.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

Why Working in the Retail/Service Industry is SO Valuable

I say this all the time but STOP 👏 UNDERSELLING 👏 YOURSELF 👏 Retail and service workers put up with A LOT, making them a valuable asset to any team. Here’s a list of 15 valuable skills you learn on the job so you can see what I mean.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

How to Answer Weird AF Interview Questions

Why are manhole covers round? How many golf balls fit in a school bus? How many Starbucks are in the U.S.? Here’s your guide to answering all of these weird AF questions in a job interview.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

Finding Your Ideal Career Path

You don’t have to figure out your career path all on your own. Use online tools to help narrow down your choices and help you choose a career that best fits your personality and interests. In this blog post, I’ll share my favorite resources to do just that.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

Best Job Interview Tips

When it comes to acing a job interview, there is fortunately a TON of resources on the internet to choose from. But what are my favorites you ask? These 4 tips. These are my absolute favorites when it comes to setting yourself apart from the competition. You got this!

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

3 Sneaky Ways to Ask About Benefits in a Job Interview

PTO policies, 401K match, maternity leave -these are the job benefits we REALLY care about. But how do you go about bringing them up in a job interview? With ✨finesse✨ my friends. No, really, it all comes down to wording and fortunately, I have a few examples that might just do the trick.

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