September Hiring Surge

September isn't just about back-to-school season🍎; it's also the time for a significant hiring surge. As companies gear up for the final quarter of the year and plan for the year ahead, they're actively seeking new talent to fill crucial roles 📇 🎓Whether you're a recent graduate, considering a career change, or simply eager to step up your professional game, this hiring surge is a golden opportunity to land your dream job. Here’s why it’s a good time to apply. 

Companies in Action:

Come September, many organizations are back in full business mode after the summer slowdown🌞 They're evaluating their staffing needs, setting new budgets, and aiming to hit the ground running as the year winds down 🏃‍♀️ This means there’s a multitude of job openings across various industries, from marketing to finance, tech to healthcare ⛑️🏦

Less Competition, More Attention:

This timing often catches job seekers off guard, leaving less competition in the race for available positions 🏁 With fewer resumes flooding in, your application is more likely to be noticed by hiring managers. 

New Budgets, New Opportunities:

Many companies receive fresh budgets for the upcoming fiscal year in September. This often means new projects, expanded teams, and opportunities for growth 📈💸If you're looking to join a company that's expanding its horizons, September is the time to make your move.

✔️ Optimize your LinkedIn Profile 

✔️ Make your resume & cover letter templates

✔️ Clean up your digital footprint & social media

99% of companies will meet your digital self before your actual self—so make sure you put your best self online! 💻

But how do you get noticed? That’s where the Erin Method comes in ✨  

List out 5-20 companies that you’d love to work for regardless if they’re hiring now or not and introduce yourself on LinkedIn! Say something like 👇🏼

“Hi, how are you? My name is Erin. I’m a video editor with 8+ years of experience. I’m a big fan of ABC Company and would love to know how I could learn about open career opportunities.” 

And if you REALLY want to stand out, DM them on Instagram. I know, sounds odd, but there’s a huge trend in recruiting right now to source people through social media. There’s a chance they won’t respond but it’s worth a shot!

✨ There is a LOT more to the Erin Method (like utilizing warm connections, informational interviews, etc.) but here’s a start!

I take you through exactly how to do this in the Career Workshop Intensive. 👉 You also get invited to monthly meetings with me where we can chat about your problems/goals/resume/etc! It’s basically a professional makeover & way to get some extra support, direction & resources to find your DREAM job (whatever that looks like for you!) 💭

You got this!!


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