Is Your Social Media Keeping You From Getting the Job You Want?

Yes, employers check your social media. A 2018 CareerBuilder study found that 70% of employers use social media when screening candidates and 56% have rejected candidates based off of what they found 😳👩🏼‍💻 

And even if you don’t use your public name, they can 1000% still find it (like through your email or phone number).🕵🏼‍♀️ 

So assume everything you put on the internet is public & permanent! 💻 Here are some best practices to get in the habit of when you’re applying for new positions. We’ll start with the basics 👇🏼

Why Employers Check Your Social Media:

Employers often turn to social media screening to gain a more comprehensive understanding of candidates. By analyzing your online presence, they aim to assess your character, values, communication skills, and even gauge if you'd be a good cultural fit for the company.

What Employers Look For:

During social media screening, employers may look for:

✍🏼 Professionalism: How you present yourself online in terms of language, photos, and behavior.

✍🏼 Communication Skills: Your ability to engage thoughtfully and respectfully in online conversations.

✍🏼 Cultural Fit: Whether your posts align with the company's values and culture.

✍🏼 Qualifications and Skills: Additional information that supports your qualifications or claims made on your resume.

Taking Control of Your Digital Persona:

So how can you take back control and ensure that they like what they see (or can’t see).

📲 Audit Your Accounts: Regularly review your social media accounts, deleting or untagging any content that may be perceived negatively. 

📲 Adjust Privacy Settings: Review and customize your privacy settings to control who can view your posts and information. 

📲 Polish Your Profile: Highlight your accomplishments, skills, and interests in a positive and professional manner. 

📲 Showcase Your Expertise: Share content related to your industry to demonstrate your knowledge and passion. 

📲 Engage Positively: Interact respectfully and constructively with others online, showcasing your communication skills. 

📲 Create a LinkedIn Profile: Maintain an updated and professional LinkedIn profile, which often ranks high in search engine results.

Clean Up Your Digital Footprint: 

👩🏼‍💻 Google Yourself: Regularly search your name to identify any online content that may not align with your professional image. 

👩🏼‍💻 Remove or Adjust Content: Delete or modify posts, photos, or comments that may raise red flags for potential employers. 

👩🏼‍💻 Be Mindful of Tags: Request friends and connections to tag you carefully and untag yourself from posts that don't fit your image.

Balance is Key:

While maintaining a professional online presence is essential, don't feel compelled to erase your personality. Authenticity is valued, but remember to consider how your posts may be interpreted by others.

At the end of the day, my recommendation is to private all your accounts when you’re looking for a job unless you’re using it to promote yourself professionally.

✨✨✨ In fact, one of the lessons in my Career Workshop Intensive is learning how to private Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, etc.

You’d be SHOCKED how many people get rejected based off of their social media 😅 don’t be one of them!!!

Express yourself and protect yourself. You got this!

👉 Interested in signing up for the workshop? Sign up to join my Career Workshop Intensive, a 4-part program designed to help you get a job you love ASAP. 🌈


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