Why No One is Looking at Your Resume

🔋 THIS is how to supercharge your resume & get it to the top of the pile ⚡️⚡️⚡️

When it comes to resumes, the first thing you need to take into account is if a human or computer is going to be reading it first. 🤖 If you feel like your resume isn’t getting read, it’s likely that it isn’t ATS friendly. 

ATS stands for Applicant Tracking System and it’s a software used by large employers to streamline the hiring process. It scans resumes for keywords and relevant information, helping hiring managers shortlist candidates efficiently. ✍🏼 The catch is this software can be kind of dumb. Things like fancy fonts, photos, and overly designed resumes can be hard for the computer to read. If your resume isn't ATS-friendly, it might be getting lost in the shuffle. 🃏 So when it comes to ATS friendly resumes, less is more. Think boring black and white resume.

Some people make two resumes, one simple one for a computer & a more designed one for humans.

My advice:

❌ Don’t fall for any advice trying to help you “beat” the ATS. ATS systems are all different, and it’s a waste of time.

✅ The best way to “beat” the ATS, in my opinion? Network & skip the resume game altogether.

Use job descriptions to your advantage. Take their keywords and make sure that all those keywords are appropriately placed in your resume. 🔢 Use numbers to quantify your achievements and keep all information relevant.

The best designers I know have the simplest resumes. Because the function of a resume is to convey a large amount of information in a few seconds. So always remember:

✅ keep it simple

✅ be results-oriented

✅ quantify everything

✅ use keywords

✅ tailor every resume to the role

And you’ll be good to go! 

✨ Want some step-by-step guidance & templates? Check out my guide here.


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