Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

Why No One is Looking at Your Resume

You have a great resume, great work experience, and you’re good at your job, yet no one is looking at your resume. Why? It might be because of this costly mistake.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

Manager Denying PTO? Read This.

You've earned some downtime. Paid Time Off (PTO) is a valuable component of your compensation, and you have every right to enjoy it. If you're grappling with a boss who consistently denies your PTO requests, keep reading—this article was made for you.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

How to Deal with Being Overworked

Overwhelmed at work but don’t want to sound like a complainer? In this blog post, I’ll discuss a few gentle methods to professionally bring up the issue. You got this!

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

Finding Your Ideal Career Path

You don’t have to figure out your career path all on your own. Use online tools to help narrow down your choices and help you choose a career that best fits your personality and interests. In this blog post, I’ll share my favorite resources to do just that.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

Best Job Interview Tips

When it comes to acing a job interview, there is fortunately a TON of resources on the internet to choose from. But what are my favorites you ask? These 4 tips. These are my absolute favorites when it comes to setting yourself apart from the competition. You got this!

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