How to Get Paid Maternity Leave in the U.S.

Only 23% of U.S. workers in 2021 had access to paid family leave benefits ( which is simply unacceptable!

👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 Yes, we have FMLA which entitles eligible employees to 12 weeks of job-protected unpaid leave (and not just for pregnancy, but it also covers things like mental/physical health issues, caring for a sick relative, adoption, etc.)

But did you know about short term disability insurance? 🤓 Your company doesn’t even need to offer paid maternity leave with this hack! 📑 It all depends on your policy! The baseline typically covers 6 weeks for vaginal delivery & 8 weeks for c-section—but depending on your health (including mental health) it could be extended 3-6 months. Just make sure you opt in to it BEFORE you get pregnant.

Navigating short term disability is not a walk in the park, but it is a viable option. And it’ll vary state to state.

🇺🇸 For example, if you’re in a state like California, you may be eligible for the statewide paid maternity leave policy, California Family Rights Act (CFRA). This program allows employees to be entitled to a certain percentage of their wages (typically 55%) with continued benefits and job security.

But it’s important you research your company’s + state’s specific offerings & programs for more information on duration and salary percentage 🔎

If your company doesn’t offer disability benefits, you can always look into buying it privately (examples: Mutual of Omaha, State Farm, Haven, Breeze, Principal, MassMutual). 💸 Just make sure your specific plan covers pregnancy. 

And remember to vote! 
🗳️ Find solutions! This is a complex issue AND it’s one that has to be tackled.

Some good resources:

A Better Balance

Fair Play Life

Paid Leave for All

You got this!! 👏 Want more? Sign up for my newsletter:

*not legal advice — please do your own research + talk to your company regarding their specific policies and procedures. Also, when buying ANY insurance, always diligently do the math yourself to see if it is worth it. Get advice from many different sources (not just the salesperson lol)*


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