Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

How to Have Better Conversations Over the Holiday

The holidays aren’t always a happy time for everyone involved. It also means dealing with difficult family members and having awkward conversations. Don’t be that person. Try these conversation starters instead.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

The #1 Financial Literacy Rule

This is the #1 financial literacy rule everyone should know and the reason more than half of NBA players go broke within 5 years of retirement. Don’t be that guy.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

How to be More Charismatic

Charisma is the most powerful characteristic you can possess. It’s the ability to get people to follow you, to trust you, to like you that will get you further in life than literally anything else. The good thing is you can become more charismatic. Here’s how.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

Adulting 101

There are some things in life no one may have told you but should have. That’s where I come in! Here are 3 things every adult should know.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

What is an FHA Loan?

Did you know you can buy a house with only 3.5% down! It’s called an FHA loan and it offers more flexible eligibility criteria and competitive interest rates, making it an attractive choice for individuals looking to achieve the dream of homeownership.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

3 Common Traits of Extremely Likable People

Let’s talk about the three key qualities that magnetic individuals share. It's not about perfect looks or expensive possessions. It’s something a little deeper than that. Learn how these traits can revolutionize your interactions, elevate your relationships, and ultimately shape a more likable, authentic you.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

Need to be Creative? Try taking a walk.

Have you ever felt stuck in a creative rut? The solution might be closer than you think. Stanford University's groundbreaking study has unveiled a captivating connection between walking and creativity. . Whether you're a writer seeking inspiration, an entrepreneur striving for ingenious solutions, or simply someone eager to supercharge your creative thinking, this article might just be the answer you were looking for.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

How to Tell Your Boss You’re Pregnant

In the US, 70% of women have taken some form of maternity leave. Chances are this won’t be your boss’s first time having this conversation. So let's put those jitters aside and approach this with confidence. I've got you covered with a step-by-step guide on how to handle this conversation with ease.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

Is Now the Right Time?

If the idea of going back to college has been lingering in your mind, it's time to take action! In just three years, you'll be 20 or 26 or 30 or whatever age, whether you pursue that degree or not. So why not be 30 with a degree and a world of new possibilities? This isn't just about college either—it's about empowering you to embrace your dreams, take charge, and make the most of the present moment. Time waits for no one.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

Advice for Recent Grads

Hi! And welcome to your ✨transitional period✨, a time filled with excitement and uncertainty as you navigate the transition from college to the work world. So what does this mean and why is it a good thing? Read on to find out!

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