3 Things You Might Need to Hear Today

We all have those days when we could use a little motivation, a reminder that we're doing just fine, or a nudge to get started. 🌞 Today, I’m giving you exactly that.

A little reminder on world mental health day 🫶🏼

1) It's Not Too Late to Start, and You Are Not Behind

Life is not a race. Whether you're contemplating a career change, a new hobby, or a personal goal, it's never too late to start. Your path is unique, and it unfolds at your own pace 🌱 Your timeline is just that—yours 🫵🏼 Embrace your journey, and you'll find that there’s life to be lived in the waiting. 

2) Other People's Emotions Are Not Your Problem

Sometimes, the weight of others' feelings can become overwhelming, but we can’t control their emotions. Just like how they can’t control ours. It's crucial to understand that you can be empathetic and supportive without taking on the emotional burden of those around you. 🤗 Your primary responsibility is to manage your own well-being. Setting healthy boundaries allows you to be a better source of support and maintain your own emotional balance. If they’re angry at you, they’ll tell you, and if they don’t, well that’s on them. 🤷🏼‍♀️

3) It's Okay Not to Know

In a world that often prioritizes having all the answers, it's perfectly okay not to know everything. 🌟 The beauty of life is that it's filled with opportunities to learn and grow. Embrace the uncertainty, ask questions, and seek knowledge. The acknowledgment that you don't have all the answers is the first step towards discovering new insights and expanding your horizons. ✈️

So do something kind for yourself today. 🫶🏼

It doesn’t have to be a bubble bath or picking up Starbucks.

💛 Maybe it’s finally saying no to someone.

💛 Maybe it’s logging off social media.

💛 Maybe it’s digging up your sneakers and going for a run.

💛 Maybe it’s calling a friend you miss.

🌻 Discipline is self care for future you. Do something today that future you will thank you for. And if you’re feeling some sort of way today — please talk to someone.

Text or call 988 to chat anonymously with someone & get support.

As always, you got this 👏


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