How to Sound More Confident and Charismatic When You Speak

Whether you're giving a presentation, networking, or simply engaging in conversations, your words have the power to captivate and impress 🎙️💫 Over the years, I’ve learned a few key tricks to help you come across as more confident. Here are some of those language tweaks that can help you get started right away👇🏼

Slow Down and Embrace Pauses:

Rushing through your words can make you appear nervous or unsure. Take a deep breath, embrace a steady pace, and use deliberate pauses strategically 🚦. We tend to quickly respond as a reaction to making sure the other person knows they’re heard. But if you slowly start to incorporate pauses, people will learn to expect them from you, and they’ll appreciate your thoughtfulness. ⭐️ Fewer words, higher value ⭐️

Emphasize with Vocal Variety:

Your voice is a powerful tool for conveying confidence and charisma. Experiment with vocal variety by varying your pitch, volume, and pace 📻 Now don’t go overboard with this either, but focus on emphasizing important words and phrases to add depth and excitement to your speech. A monotone voice can make even the most fascinating content sound dull 👎🏼, so let your voice hold the attention of your audience.

Use Confident Body Language:

It's not just about your posture; your gestures and facial expressions also contribute to your overall charisma. Maintain eye contact 👀 to establish a connection and show that you're fully present in the conversation. Use purposeful hand gestures 🙌🏼 to enhance your message and express passion. Remember, your body can speak louder than words, so make sure it reflects your inner confidence.

Use higher quality filler words:

You don’t have to stop using fillers, they are a natural part of conversation. Without them, you’d sound robotic! 🤖😅 But try to make them a bit higher quality. Instead of “yeah, like um, you know—“ try “however”. Instead of “so, uhh, um,” try “where were we?”

Practice Active Listening:

Confidence and charisma aren't just about speaking; they also involve listening attentively. Engage with others by maintaining eye contact, nodding, and repeating certain phrases. This last part is called mirroring 🪞 and it’s used by charismatic speakers all the time! Now that I pointed this out, you’ll probably even start noticing it being used around you! 

Authenticity is Key:

Above all, embrace your unique voice and be true to yourself 💛 Authenticity breeds confidence and attracts others to you. Share your ideas, stories, and experiences with passion and sincerity. When you speak from the heart, your words will naturally resonate with those around you 💌

Building confidence and charisma takes practice and patience. Start by implementing these techniques in your daily conversations and listen to charismatic people speak. 📹 Watch videos of Obama, Oprah, and George Clooney! Study them, see what they do. Embrace your inner charisma and let your voice be heard. You got this!✨

If you’re seeking additional career guidance, make sure to check out my Career Workshop Intensive, a 4-part program designed to help you get a job you love ASAP. 🌈


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