How to Ace Unexpected Interview Questions like a Pro

There’s nothing that adds to interview jitters quite like having your mind go blank in the middle of one 🦗🤯 Here they are asking you to tell them about a time you disagreed with your boss and how you handled it, and not a single example comes to mind! 😅💭 And while it’s far from the ideal situation, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s game over. Here are some strategies to tackle this tricky situation with professionalism and ease ✔️

Stay Calm and Don't Panic:

First and foremost, stay calm and composed, this is a professional setting after all. Remember, everyone has moments like this during interviews, and it's completely normal. Take a deep breath, 😤 maintain a positive mindset, and remind yourself that you have valuable skills and experiences to offer.

Be Honest and Transparent:

Instead of trying to come up with a fabricated example on the spot, it's best to be honest with the interviewer. Let them know that you're unable to recall a specific example at the moment 💬, and explain why. Maybe you’ve had some really great bosses or maybe you’ve always been fortunate enough to be in very positive environments! 🌱 Honesty can go a long way in building trust.

Answer the larger question:

When you can't think of a specific example, shift the focus to what they’re really trying to ask 🤔🖼️ You can discuss a hypothetical scenario that aligns with the question. Describe a situation that you haven't personally encountered but explain how you would approach it based on your knowledge and expertise 🧩 This way you’re still able to showcase your problem-solving abilities and thought process to the interviewer.

Share a Related Experience:

Or if you have a similar experience that can showcase your skills and qualities, share that. Explain how it demonstrates your ability to handle similar challenges and make sure to draw clear connections between the question and your experience. ✨Bonus points if you can include details that show you’re self aware.

Ask for Clarification or Provide Context:

If you're still struggling to come up with an example, don't hesitate to ask for clarification or provide additional context 🗣️ Sometimes, a clearer understanding of the question can spark your memory or provide you with a fresh perspective. And at the very least, it can buy you some time. 

Wrap Up on a Positive Note:

As you conclude your response, summarize the key points you've made and reiterate your enthusiasm for the role. Thank the interviewer for their understanding and assure them that, given the opportunity, you will contribute your best efforts and continue to learn and adapt 🙌🏼💫

Job interviews are about more than just having the perfect examples; they're about showcasing your overall fit for the role and your potential to contribute.

One of my best pieces of interview advice is to think about every question backwards. ❌ Don’t think “hmm, what is my answer to this question…” ✅ Instead think “what answer do they want to hear and how do I fit into that?” By utilizing these strategies, you’ll be able to more confidently push through these “mind going blank” ordeals. Now go get that job!! 👏

Still having trouble finding a job you love? Make sure to check out my Career Workshop Intensive, a 4-part program designed to help you do just that! 🌈


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