Adulting 101

Adulting 101 Tips That No One Might Have Taught You So I’m Going To Teach You As Your Internet Big Sister…. Part 1/??? 💁‍♀️ Stepping into adulthood comes with its own set of challenges and responsibilities, especially when you have no one to guide you. 👉🏼 So here are three things every adult should know:

1. Know your closest ER

Always know your closest 24/7 ER 🚑 Emergencies are unpredictable, and knowing the location of your nearest emergency room (ER) can be a lifesaver, literally 🏥 Research and identify the nearest 24/7 emergency medical facility and familiarize yourself with the quickest route to get there. Practice the commute if you can. Also, do the same with your closest 24/7 emergency vet. 🐕 Know the heimlich & CPR! You can learn it on Youtube but it’s better to know it before you need it! 🙌🏼

2. Get a physical filing cabinet. 

Trust me, the top of your fridge will thank me later. 🗄️We may be living in a digital age, but a lot of important documents are still being sent physically in the mail. 📬 Essential items to file include tax records, insurance policies, medical information, lease agreements, etc. You can also get a fireproof safe to store those extra important documents in. 🧯Start doing it early and you will be SO HAPPY YOU DID!

3. Negotiate everything. 

Everything in the world is made up, you can try to negotiate whatever you want by just asking.💸  Worst case is you get a “no”. Every company wants to keep your business. ⚠️ Business 101: it’s cheaper to retain a customer than to acquire a new one. So whether you're discussing your salary, a major purchase, or a contract, effective negotiation is key. 📺 First start with your subscriptions—gym membership, home security, tv subscriptions, cell phone plans, internet. ☎️ Simply call them and say, “I found a cheaper alternative so I’d like to cancel my subscription.” and I guarantee you they will instantly give you a discount on the spot. If they don’t, call a competitor (like Verizon or Geico) and tell them you’d like to switch, what incentives can they provide?

10 mins on the phone can save you thousands per year. ⏰ Schedule a time twice a year to do this! Literally go through your bank statement and call every company you pay who has a competitor you can switch to. Perks of a free market baby! 👏 use it, abuse it, get your monies 💅🏻

Remember: you’re doing the best you can with what you’ve been given ❤️This was fun, should I make more of these? 🤪 

If you’re in the process of finding a new job, I invite you to check out my Career Workshop Intensive, a 4-part program designed to help you find a job you truly love🌟


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