How to Tell Your Boss You’re Pregnant

70% of women in the US have taken some form of maternity leave 🍼 There is a VERY good chance your boss has had this conversation several times. This is normal, extremely common & not at alllll awkward. So here’s how you can navigate this conversation with confidence ⚡️

First, know your rights! Review your employee handbook/policies AND your local/state laws. You can just google “[your state] + maternity leave laws” ✔️

Choose the Right Time and Place to Notify Your Boss:

Pick a time when your boss is not overwhelmed with tasks or meetings, allowing for a more focused and relaxed conversation. Choose a private and comfortable setting where both you and your boss can speak openly without interruptions. 🤫✍🏼

Sample Skit:

Employee (E): (Knocking on the door) Hi Boss, do you have a minute to chat?

Boss (B):  Sure, come on in! How can I help you?

Be Clear and Direct:

When discussing your pregnancy, be clear and direct about the news 🗞️👩‍🍼 Avoid beating around the bush, as your boss will appreciate your honesty and straightforwardness. Don’t forget to frame it as something positive!

E: (Confidently) I wanted to let you know some good news actually. I’m expecting a baby this [insert month]! 🤰

B: Congratulations! That's wonderful news! I appreciate you telling me. Please, go on.

Share Your Plan:

During the conversation, share your plan for managing your workload and responsibilities during your pregnancy and leave. ⭐️ A good boss will be excited for you, a bad boss might not feel the same. But at the end of the day, both bosses will have the same thought: “how is this going to affect business?” 👀 Reassure your boss that you are committed to fulfilling your duties and that you've already considered how to handle any temporary changes.

E: Thank you! I'm really excited too. I know that we have a lot going on right now, so I want to share my timeline with you. I plan on working until August 29th and taking off 2 weeks before my due date. And right now, I plan on being on maternity leave until October 23rd. 

⚠️ Remember: you are not asking them if you can have a baby lol you ARE having a baby and are telling them your plans.

B: That sounds good. We'll certainly work together to support you during this time.

E: Thank you. I've thought about how we can manage my workload during my maternity leave, but I want to get your input on the best way to delegate my tasks.

Enroll them in your plan. You shouldn’t be offloading your tasks on your coworkers. Have that come from the top down.

B: Alright, I’m happy to help with that.

Address Any Concerns:

Finally, give your boss the opportunity to address any concerns or questions they may have ❓🌱 Reassure them that you are committed to maintaining your professionalism and delivering results despite the upcoming changes.

E: I understand that my pregnancy may raise some questions or concerns, and I'm here to address any of them. I wanted to tell you early so that we have time to prepare, but if you don’t mind, I’d like to personally notify the rest of the team.

Most individuals notify their boss after their first trimester but before they start showing. When you decide to share the news is entirely up to you! 🫵🏼

B: No problem, you let me know when you’re ready to tell everyone.

✅ Last but not least, ALWAYS follow up in writing! After the meeting, send an email to your boss (CCing HR if necessary) detailing the conversation. Be specific.

Remember you’re sharing good news! If you’re excited and confident, they’ll feel excited and confident. Congratulations and you got this!! 🎉🫶🏼

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