Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

Signs You’re A People Pleaser at Work

Unleash your true potential at work by breaking free from the people-pleasing trap! In this post, I unveil the subtle signs that reveal your people-pleasing tendencies and how they silently sabotage your career. Learn tips on overcoming them and unlock the secrets to a thriving work life.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

How Student Loans Really Work

How do student loans even work?! In this article, we demystify the world of student loans, covering everything from types of loans to repayment options. Discover how to borrow responsibly, explore scholarships and grants, and make informed decisions to minimize the impact on your future. Don't let student loans overwhelm you—empower yourself with knowledge to take charge of your financial journey.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

Signs of a Good Boss vs a Bad Boss

So what exactly makes a boss a good one? From empowering leadership and effective communication to recognition and growth opportunities, we explore the qualities that make a boss great and what makes them, well, not so great. Read on to learn how to identify the signs and create a positive work environment for your professional growth and happiness.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

How to Answer “Walk Me Through Your Resume” in a Job Interview

So what do they really mean when an interviewer asks you to "walk me through your resume?" In this article, we'll explore the purpose behind this question and how to leverage it to showcase your skills and accomplishments. Learn the art of storytelling, highlighting the why behind your experiences, and aligning your skills with the position you're applying for. With practical tips and a thematic approach, you'll be well-prepared to impress interviewers and land your dream job. Ready to leave a lasting impression?

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

Advice for Recent Grads

Hi! And welcome to your ✨transitional period✨, a time filled with excitement and uncertainty as you navigate the transition from college to the work world. So what does this mean and why is it a good thing? Read on to find out!

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

Job Interview Tips for Stay-at-Home Parents

If you’re feeling hopeless about finding a job after spending years as a stay-at-home parent, I want you to stop, and take a deep breath. You will find a job and this article will show you how. Ready to take the next step? Read on to find out more.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

How to Tell a New Job About a Pre-Planned Vacation

So you got the job! Amazing! But does that mean you have to cancel your vacation plans??? Not quite! In this article, I'll guide you through a seamless way of informing your new employer about your upcoming vacation while still proving to be the perfect candidate. So, go take that well-deserved vacation. You’ve earned it!

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

Secret Job Interview Etiquette

Never had a trusted adult to take you through basic job interview etiquette? No worries! As your internet big sister, I’ll take you through everything you need to know to ace your interview and leave a lasting impression.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

Should You Start a Roth IRA?

This week, I am beyond excited to dive into a topic that might not sound glamorous at first, but trust me, it's vital for your future: starting a Roth IRA. I’ll cover why a Roth IRA should be on your radar in the first place, its tax advantages, its flexibility, and potential for tax-free growth. So, get ready to take control of your financial destiny and set yourself up for a secure retirement!

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

4 Damanging Limiting Beliefs to Overcome During Your Job Search

Let's talk about those sneaky little limiting beliefs that hold us back from pursuing our dream jobs. From tackling the "not qualified enough" syndrome to reframing competition and embracing rejection, I'll arm you with strategies to conquer those mental barriers and pave the way to success. So, are you ready to land that dream job? Let's jump right in!

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

What to Do When Your Mind Goes Blank in a Job Interview

We've all been there. You're sitting across from a potential employer, feeling confident and ready to impress, when suddenly, your mind blanks. In this blog article, I’ll reveal the secrets to regaining composure and acing your interview, even when your mind goes blank.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

Asking for a Title Change at a New Job

Feeling overwhelmed with work that isn't in your job description? It might be time to ask for a title change. In this article, I’ll show you how to do just that.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

The Benefits of Freelancing (even if you’re in between jobs)

As a seasoned freelance stan, I can vouch for the many perks that come with being your own boss. With ultimate flexibility, potential for higher earnings, and much more, freelancing might just be the career move you've been looking for. And who knows, that freelancing gig might just turn into your dream job! Click to find out what it’s all about.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

How to Leverage a Job Offer to Get a Raise

What should you do when you love where you work but you receive a job offer with a salary you just can’t pass up? The good news is you have options! In this article, I’ll dive deep into helpful negotiation tactics that will help you secure the best outcome for your career.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

5 Signs of a Toxic Work Culture

Do you think you’re stuck in a toxic work environment? Well let’s find out! In this article, I’m going to spill the tea on 5 major signs that scream “It’s time to GET OUT!” Read on to find out more.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

How to Give Feedback in an Annual Review

Calling all managers! Get ready to unleash your feedback superpowers in my electrifying guide to annual reviews. Learn the power of active listening, open dialogue, and setting clear goals to foster growth and development. Soon enough, you’ll be rocking those annual reviews like never before!

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