How to Leverage a Job Offer to Get a Raise

Disclaimer: Only attempt this if you truly are leaving your current role ONLY because of low pay & you’re fully willing to walk away.

Let’s pretend for a second that you applied to a new job and received a job offer that pays extremely well. First of all, congrats! 🎉 That’s so exciting! But say you’re having mixed feelings about leaving because you really enjoy where you currently work. What do you do now?

Enter: pro-level negotiation 😎 Here’s what that looks like 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

Explore the New Job Offer

When you receive an exciting job offer, resist the temptation to quit right away. Take a moment to explore what's on the table. Consider the salary, benefits, growth opportunities, and how well the new role aligns with your career goals. This will help guide your decision.

Share Your Achievements

Before launching into negotiations, take a moment to reflect on your impressive accomplishments at your current company. Make a list of your wins, showcasing how you've made an impact on projects, contributed to revenue growth, and earned some well-deserved recognition. You're a star 🌟 and you’ll want to share these things with your employer to remind them of your value.

Gather Your Convincing Arguments:

Ready to negotiate like a boss? Assemble your negotiation tool kit, including your accomplishments, market research, and a good dose of confidence. Do some digging on industry standards and salaries for your role, experience level, and location ✍🏼 This way you’ll come fully prepared.

Reveal the Job Offer

Now, it’s time to take action. Schedule a meeting with your boss. Begin by expressing your appreciation for the opportunities you've had with the company. Then, reveal the job offer 💥 

With the job offer out in the open, you’ll want to direct the conversation towards negotiations 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼 Highlight your achievements and contributions, emphasizing your value to the company, and share the market research you've gathered, showing how your worth stacks up in the job market. Finally, assertively express your desire for a salary adjustment that better aligns with what you’re being offered.

Maintain your Composure

Negotiating is like a dance 💃🏼 requiring finesse and flexibility. Be open to different outcomes and alternative proposals from your current company. They might offer a counter offer or suggest additional benefits to keep you from flying away. Or they might not come back with anything at all and that’s ok! Evaluate the options presented and make an informed decision.

Celebrate Your Triumph

Whether you accept a counter offer or decide to venture into new horizons 🌅 celebrate your success! Recognize the power of your negotiation skills and the confidence it takes to navigate the ever-changing landscape of career choices. After all, you've showcased your value and secured a brighter future, regardless if it's within your current company or not 🥂

Negotiating a raise is a skill that takes confidence and a bit of know-how. For more in-depth information, check out my Youtube video called “How to ask for a raise (& actually get it!)”  I’m rooting for you! 🙌🏼


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