Working at McDonald’s…?

I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again 📣📣📣

If you list that you spent consistent time working at McDonald’s (or any other service job) on your resume, a wise hiring pro will immediately see a green flag 🙌🏼 💸 Sure, you might not consider your low-wage fast food job as golden resume content. But I beg to differ! These are jobs where you can learn VERY valuable skills. Learning how to deal with customers is not something everyone knows how to do well, and therefore, a desirable trait!

It’s alllll about the story you tell ✍️

All I see when there’s a McDonalds 🍟 or Chipotle 🌯 listed on a resume is that you have a solid work ethic, have experience working for a large company, and can deal with customers in a professional manner. ➕ PLUS, big corporations like McDonalds, Walmart, Starbucks, Chipotle, etc. have incredible programs that soo many people don’t even know about or take advantage of! Programs like:

Tuition Assistance Programs:

One of the standout benefits of working at these fast-food giants is their commitment to education📚. McDonald's Archways to Opportunity program and Chipotle's Education program offer employees the chance to further their education and pursue their dreams. Whether it's earning a high school diploma, completing a college degree, or learning English, these programs provide financial support, resources, and flexible schedules to help employees reach their educational goals. 🎓 I mean imagine getting your tuition paid for! 😱

Career Advancement Opportunities:

Working at places like McDonald's, Chick-fil-A or Chipotle isn't just about flipping burgers or assembling burritos 🌯😍. These companies prioritize internal promotions, providing employees with the chance to climb the ladder and develop a rewarding career. Many top-level executives at these corporations started as crew members, a testament to the possibilities for growth within the company 📈 Whether you're interested in management, marketing, finance, or HR, many of these big corporations offer a diverse array of career paths to explore.

Flexible Scheduling:

Life is a juggling act, and these corporations understand the importance of work-life balance 🌱 With flexible scheduling options, employees can tailor their shifts to accommodate personal commitments, education, and other responsibilities. This flexibility empowers individuals to pursue their passions both inside and outside the workplace, all while building a strong work ethic.

Health and Wellness:

They also may offer comprehensive health insurance, wellness programs, and employee assistance programs 🏥🩺 These initiatives ensure that employees have access to the care and resources they need to maintain a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.

These companies are MASSIVE and the work experience will defffffffintiely vary depending on your location & management! 😅 But at the end of the day, every company wants employees to thrive (& stick around). So find those incentives & take advantage of every 👏single 👏 one!

Healthcare, paid time off, leadership training, certifications, bonuses, college tuition assistance, etc! 🎓See what they got for you 👀 & squeeze them for everything they offer!!!

Never be ashamed to take advantage of an opportunity just because you’re afraid of what others might think 😉 No one else is living your life except you. 🍟🌮

Looking for a new job? I invite you to join my Career Workshop Intensive, a 4-part program designed to help you get a job you love ASAP. 🌈


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