Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

Manager Denying PTO? Read This.

You've earned some downtime. Paid Time Off (PTO) is a valuable component of your compensation, and you have every right to enjoy it. If you're grappling with a boss who consistently denies your PTO requests, keep reading—this article was made for you.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

How to Deal with Being Overworked

Overwhelmed at work but don’t want to sound like a complainer? In this blog post, I’ll discuss a few gentle methods to professionally bring up the issue. You got this!

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

How to Deal with a Narcissistic Boss

Dealing with a narcissistic boss can be traumatizing. While I suggest looking for a new job asap, here are some things you can do in the meantime to avoid making the situation worse.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

Signs of a Good Boss vs a Bad Boss

So what exactly makes a boss a good one? From empowering leadership and effective communication to recognition and growth opportunities, we explore the qualities that make a boss great and what makes them, well, not so great. Read on to learn how to identify the signs and create a positive work environment for your professional growth and happiness.

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Erin McGoff Erin McGoff

How to Set Boundaries with a Bad Boss

The subtle art of effective communication 🤌🏼✨💬 In this article, I’ll spill the beans on setting boundaries with a toxic boss. Get ready to reclaim your power and maintain your sanity in the workplace!

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