How to Professionally Advocate for Yourself

Forever helping you navigate awkward conversations ✨🤗

Fr though 👉 if your company doesn’t automatically promote you internally (even after a recommendation from the person that held that role)—at least one three things are probably happening:

1. The higher ups don’t think that you are capable of handling the position 🫵 ❌😬

That’s why it’s important to stress at the end your confidence and eagerness for feedback and improvement. Handling this situation maturely will 1000% support your case. 😌

2. There is some archaic internal policy everyone follows without question 🎓❌🤷🏼‍♀️

Just question it! Be the change 🌈

3. There is some stupid internal political reason they can’t promote you 💰❌📜

If that’s the case, get a new job ASAP.

Here’s how you can handle that situation:

Company: “Hi, we’re hiring someone new to replace your old boss. Would you be able to train them?”

This is where you need to advocate for yourself 💪🏼👏

You: “Oh, really? I was actually looking to be considered to fill her position. She let me know that I was her recommendation.

Company: “Yeah, but you don’t have the bachelor’s degree that we require.”

Stick with it🪧

You: “Oh, is that bachelor’s degree required by law?”

Company: “No, it’s just company policy.”

You: “Well, if you’re open to it, I’d really like to be considered for the role. I can jump right in. I know exactly what to do, no training or onboarding necessary! And if you’d like, I can even work towards finishing my degree in the meantime.”

You're already acquainted with the company culture, processes, and team dynamics, giving you an edge over external candidates. ✍🏼 Your experience in your current role provides you with a proven track record of success, and promoting from within makes for a smoother transition for everyone, since you're already familiar with the company's operations. Use these points to you advantage. 💃🏼

Company: “Well, those are some good points. Let me take this back to the team and we’ll get back to you this week.”

You: “Thank you so much, and if you have any hesitations about my ability to perform in the role, I’m more than happy to sit down with the team and discuss.

Even if you don't secure the position, your dedication and ambition won't go unnoticed.

SPEAK UP 📣 and  stand up for yourself! A little guts goes a long way. You got this 👏

If you found these insights helpful, I invite you to join my Career Workshop Intensive, a 4-part program designed to help you get a job you love ASAP. 🌈


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