How to Make Networking Less Cringe

Are you tired of feeling cringe when networking online? 🤨 You're not alone! In today's digital age, virtual networking has become a crucial aspect of building professional relationships. 💻However, not knowing what to say can often hold us back. But with the right approach, you can confidently master the cold outreach. Let's dive into a sample template to help you get started. Here’s something you can send on LinkedIn 👇🏼👇🏼


Hi [their name],

My name is [your name]. I’m a [what you do].

Sorry if this is random–I’m reaching out because I’m challenging myself to network with 2 new people every week and I’m so impressed by [compliment them], [insert value].

I’d like to connect here and, if you’re open to it, connect over a call.

Thank you for your time! I hope we cross paths sometime soon.

[your name]

“Wait, WHAT? You want me to say sorry??? 🤨Doesn’t that go against everything you’ve ever taught me Erin??”

Yup! 🤗As someone who has successfully sent thousands of cold messages & receives hundreds of networking requests every week—I’ve found that humility gets the job done. 🤓 Now, if you’re networking with a peer—there’s no need for overt humility. But if you’re trying to connect with someone “higher up” — you have to give them a reason to spend their precious time reading your random message.

You might think phrases like 👉🏼 “I apologize if…” or “Sorry for the random message” might sound “weak” or “people pleasing-y” — but in this context, they are very powerful for one reason: they disarm. 🤷🏼‍♀️ But at the end of the day, it’s up to you! Experiment! You can choose to omit any disarming language if you want to come across more direct/assertive. Go for it! I won’t stop you lol. But here’s what you should keep in mind.


Networking with a peer is entirely different than networking with a CEO. Networking with a peer is much easier than networking with a CEO you want to work for.


A mutual similarity (alma mater, sorority/fraternity, sports team, hometown, colleague, former company, etc.) can INSTANTLY BOOST your chances of getting a response.


I know this goes against the template I just used lol but if you’re networking with a powerful person, don’t ask for a phone call or coffee meet up in the first message. That will be a HARD NO from them (unless you have a mutual connection). Just say “Nice to connect with you! compliment, compliment, flattery, compliment! Have a good day!”


This is a biggie. If you can offer them value (a new insight, a tutorial, a connection). Figure out what they’re currently interested in & make yourself available to them.


In this scenario (when you have no leverage), you can easily come off arrogant or overconfident. A little bit of humility goes a longggg way.

Networking is about building authentic relationships. By applying these tips, you’ll unlock exciting opportunities for personal and professional growth. So, embrace humility, and let your networking journey take off! 🚀

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