Applying to a Job within the Company you Work at

Can you apply for an open job at the company your *currently* work at…?

😄 Yes! It’s called an internal or lateral move! Any great company loves to promote from within, this is absolutely something you can explore. Here’s how to approach it: 

1️⃣ Make the Case to Yourself

Before diving into the application process, take some time to make a strong case for why you want the new role. Write out a full page on why you think you are a perfect fit for this role ✍🏼🪞 Reflect on how it aligns with your career goals, and what skills and experiences you bring to the table.

2️⃣ Talk to your Manager and Let Them Know You're Interested

Engage in a candid conversation with your current manager about your career aspirations. Express your interest in the open position and see how they respond. ✅ A supportive manager can offer valuable insights and possibly serve as an advocate for your application. If they’re not so great, it’s ok, you don’t need their permission to apply. 👉🏼Just make sure they know that if it doesn’t work out, you’re happy to stay in their department.

3️⃣ Talk to HR/Recruiter for the Position

Reach out to HR or the recruiter responsible for the open position. Let them know about your intention to apply and ask about the application process, deadlines, and any specific requirements. 📧🫱🏻‍🫲🏼 You can talk about why this new position is interesting to you and follow up with an email after both meetings. 

4️⃣ Interview Formally

Approach the interview process with the same level of professionalism and preparation as you would for an external job opportunity. 🤵‍♀️👨‍💼 Update your resume and tailor it to the new role. Practice common interview questions and be ready to discuss your qualifications, experiences, and how you can contribute to the company's success.

5️⃣ Leverage Your Knowledge of the Company

One of your significant advantages as an internal candidate is your familiarity with the company's culture, values, and operations. During the interview, highlight how your existing knowledge can benefit the team and contribute to a smoother transition into the new role 🌞

🏢Every company is different and therefore each case will be different!

✨ Remember: all you have to do is make them think “wow, this person would be perfect for the role!” and test is easy 👌🏼

You got this!!! 👏  

👉 Interested in finding a new job? Sign up for my Career Workshop Intensive, a 4-part program designed to help you get a job you love ASAP. 🌈


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