Unlimited PTO isn’t Always a Good Thing

Unlimited PTO 😍 – it sounds like a dream come true, right? No more counting vacation days or worrying about running out of time off 🏝⏰ But as with most things in life, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.

Let’s talk about why unlimited PTO isn't always a good thing 👇🏼👇🏼

Pressure to Take Less Time Off

With unlimited PTO, there's often an unspoken expectation that employees will take less time off than they would with a set number of vacation days. I know, it sounds backwards right? 👎🏼After all, if there's no limit to how much time you can take off, it can be hard to know what's "too much". And as you can imagine, this often leads to burnout and decreased job satisfaction.

Lack of Accrual

Unlike traditional vacation policies where employees accrue a certain amount of time off each pay period 📈 unlimited PTO doesn't have a set accrual rate ❌ This can be problematic if an employee leaves the company before taking all of their earned vacation time.

Lack of Structure

Some people thrive in a flexible work environment, while others need more structure to be productive. Unlimited PTO can make it harder for some employees to plan their time off, which can be stressful and lead to decreased productivity if not provided with the proper support.

Lack of Transparency

Unlimited PTO policies can be vague and lack transparency. It's important for companies to communicate clearly about how much time off is expected and how much is too much. This can help employees feel more comfortable taking the time off they need without worrying about how it will be perceived by their employer 😬😵‍💫

Blackout Dates

Always ask about blackout dates. Depending on the industry, there may be months of the year where PTO won’t be approved. While this isn’t a deal breaker, it’s important to be aware of when you can and can’t use your PTO. You’ll also want to double check for other PTO restrictions. Can you take a month off at a time? Who has to approve it? Are you expected to make up the hours?

And while these are all great things to consider, there’s really only one question that you NEED to ask:

✨ What’s the average number of days that employees take off at this company? ✨

Their response will tell you everything you need to know.

Unlimited PTO isn't always the dream perk it's made out to be. It’ll require some digging to know for sure 🔦

Best case scenario, the company has a minimum PTO policy, meaning you are required to take a minimum number of days off each year! 🫶🏼 Yay! So, the next time you're considering a job offer with unlimited PTO, make sure to ask the right questions to truly understand their objective with this policy.

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