How to Properly Ask for a Reference

Asking for a reference or recommendation can be 💥 nerve-wracking 💥. You want to come across as professional and confident, but you also don't want to make things awkward or put your contacts in an uncomfortable position. 

So here’s how you’re going to properly ask for a job reference ✍🏼 Get ready to unleash your inner charm!

Step 1: Delete Reference Contact Info From Your Resume

When it comes to asking for a reference, you are asking someone to do you a favor. You’re asking them to take time out of their day to recommend you.

If you place their contact information on your generic resume and send it off to a dozen companies — that is rude AND won’t end up well for anyone involved.

The last thing you need is for a company to call up your reference 📞 and catch them off guard resulting in a mediocre recommendation at best 👎🏼 Always specifically ask each reference if they’re willing to recommend you for a specific role. Then, if they say yes, provide them with 2-3 bullet points or keywords they can emphasize in their recommendation. This is taking a mental load off of them and they’ll appreciate it!

Choose Wisely

Be selective when choosing who to ask for a reference. Look for individuals who can speak to your skills, work ethic, and accomplishments in a relevant and meaningful way. Your current boss may not be the best option for this, especially if you haven’t yet told them you’re leaving! But previous bosses can be! Avoid asking someone just because they have a fancy job title or are well-known. It's all about quality over quantity, bestie 🫶🏼

Reach Out with a ✨Dash✨of Flattery and Relevant Information

When it comes time to ask, sprinkle in some flattery to sweeten the deal. Compliment your contact on their expertise, achievements, or the positive impact they've had on your career. Genuine flattery goes a long way in creating a positive impression and increasing the likelihood of a positive response ✔️🫱🏻‍🫲🏼😌

And make it easy for them! Come prepared with a quick blurb about the job you’re applying to and skills you’d like them to emphasize. Remind them of specific projects you've worked on together, achievements you've earned, or skills you've developed. This not only jogs their memory but also ensures that the recommendation is tailored and impactful 👊🏼

Offer an Out, Just in Case

While you’re hoping for a resounding "yes", it's always considerate to offer an out. 👉🏼👈🏼Acknowledge that they may be busy or have prior commitments, and let them know that it's completely okay if they are unable to provide a reference at this time. This way you can avoid any awkwardness and maintain a positive relationship.

Express Your Gratitude

Regardless of the outcome, always express your gratitude for their time and consideration. A heartfelt thank-you 💌 goes a long way in nurturing professional relationships and leaves a lasting impression. Remember, appreciation is the secret sauce of maintaining a strong network!

So be confident, be genuine, and approach the process with a touch of appreciation. By mastering this skill, you'll open doors to exciting opportunities and build a network of supporters who are eager to vouch for your greatness. Now go get that job! 📞✍🏼🙌🏼

✨ If you’re looking for extra support in your job search process, sign up to take my Career Workshop Intensive, a 4-part program designed to help you get a job you love ASAP ✨


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