How to: Ask for a Raise

The idea of asking for a raise can be daunting, but the fact you’re even thinking about it shows initiative & drive — something most people don’t have.

I always say asking for a raise is trading a few awkward minutes for money. If you can get through a 30-second ask & potential negotiation, you can literally make thousands of dollars. But how does one approach a successful raise request? Here are alllllll my secrets.

1. Do your research 💻

Before you approach your boss about a raise, do your research (!!) Look up industry standards for your position and compare your current salary to others in similar roles. If you live in a salary transparency state like New York or Colorado, you can see your company’s posted salaries for new jobs online. I also recommend checking out Glassdoor, Payscale, and LinkedIn to research information about your company (and/or similar companies). This will help you determine a reasonable range for your salary increase request. Usually ~3-10% raise is a typical request—but always ask for a little more than you expect to get.

2. List out your accomplishments & value 📈

It's important to go into that meeting with a list of a) how your job has changed since your last raise and b) what you’ve contributed to the company. As you work, be sure to keep a record of your accomplishments, projects you've completed, and any positive feedback or recognition you've received in something like a Google Drive folder. This will demonstrate your value to the company and justify your request for a raise.

3. Practice Your Pitch 🎙

It’s important to script + rehearse your ask to make sure you don’t miss anything or stumble over your words. Always start by thanking them for their time & acknowledging the role (ex: “Thanks for sitting down with me! I’ve really enjoyed my time here as a Producer for the past 8 months…”) Then, clearly make an ask: “for these reasons, I’d like to discuss an adjustment to my salary to properly reflect the work that I’m doing". Be confident and assertive, but also respectful and professional. You’re not asking them to do you any favors. You’re asking to be fairly compensated.

4. Set up the meeting 🗓

Don’t ambush your boss. Ask them if they can spare a few minutes (find a time when they’re a little less busy/stressed). I love using “Do you have a few minutes sometime this week to have a 1:1 with me? Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad!” Timing is key when it comes to asking for a raise. Avoid asking at particularly chaotic times, or when the company is doing badly. The best time to ask is when you’re doing well + the company is doing well. So, for example, if you’re coming off a successful project — that’s the perfect time to ask.

5. Make the ask 🙂

I love this script:

“I’ve been working here for [X amount of time] and have been thrilled with all the projects I’ve been able to work on. Our [accomplishment #1] and [accomplishment #2]. In the past year, I’ve also gained [new hard/soft skills] that allow me to perform this job at a higher caliber than when I first started, and I’m also [added work, like “managing an intern now]. Considering all of this and the current market average for someone with my skillset, I’d like to discuss an adjustment to my salary. Would a 10% raise be out of the question?”

6. Be ready to negotiate 😒

Unfortunately, your boss might not be able to agree to a raise on the spot. You’re probably going to get a “I’ll discuss this with HR/finance and get back to you.” SO, thank them for their time & be ready to negotiate. Be ready to consider other benefits, such as additional vacation time or flexible working hours. Be willing to compromise, but also know your worth, and don't settle for less than you deserve.

7. Follow Up 👋🏼

Your boss miiiiiight forget about this conversation. AND it’s important to have everything in writing. So, after the meeting, follow up with an email thanking them for their time and reiterating your request for a raise. This shows that you're serious about your request and will help keep the conversation moving forward.

‼️ REMEMBER: You’re NOT asking “pretty please can you give me a raise??” NO. ‼️

You’re not asking the company to do you any favors. You’re asking to be fairly compensated for the value you bring to the table. It’s just business, it’s not personal. If they say no, ask for when you can revisit the conversation in the next 90 days. Put a meeting invite on their calendar. Don’t stop asking until you get what you deserve.


how to: ask for a raise


how to: ask for a raise 〰️

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