How to Answer: “Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?” in a Job Interview

"So, where do you see yourself in 5 years?" Stop ✋🏼 They’re not actually asking where you truthfully see yourself in 5 years. 🗓️❌

They’re asking:

💭“What are your short/long term goals?”

💭“What direction are you headed in?”

💭“How ambitious are you?”

💭“Does working at this company fit into your life?”

🤓They want to know how this role will contribute to where you want to go. So here’s what to consider when crafting a thoughtful and strategic response. 

  • 🥅 Reflect on Your Long-Term Goals: Before the interview, take time to reflect on your long-term career goals. Consider where you envision yourself in terms of job position, industry, and professional development. Having a clear understanding of your aspirations will allow you to provide a well-thought-out response.

  • 🏃‍♀️ Showcase Your Ambition: When answering this question, convey your ambition and drive for growth. Employers seek candidates who are motivated to excel and make a significant impact in their roles. Express your desire for ongoing learning, taking on new challenges, and advancing within the organization.

  • 🧩 Align Your Goals with the Company: Demonstrate your knowledge and enthusiasm for the company by aligning your goals with its vision and values. Research the company's mission, future plans, and potential career advancement opportunities. Incorporate this information into your response to show that you are committed to contributing to the company's success.

  • ⚖️ Strike a Balance: While it's important to showcase ambition and enthusiasm, it's equally crucial to strike a balance between ambition and realism. Avoid making overly ambitious claims that may come across as unrealistic or insincere. Instead, focus on attainable goals that demonstrate your dedication and potential for growth within the company.

  • 👩🏼‍💻 Emphasize Skill Development: Highlight your desire to continually develop and refine your skills. Discuss specific areas you aim to improve or learn, such as acquiring new certifications, attending industry conferences, or seeking mentorship opportunities. This demonstrates your commitment to personal and professional growth, which is highly valued by employers.

I often suggest structuring your response into three parts:

1️⃣ acknowledging the present

2️⃣ talking about your passions (as they relate to your job)

3️⃣ Talking about your dream day to day work.

Here’s what that might look like:

👩‍💼 Interviewer: "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?"

👨‍💼 Candidate: "You know, it’s hard to know what life is going to look like in 5 years. But while I like to maintain flexibility and an open mind, I am committed to growing both professionally and personally. One thing that I know is that I’m really passionate about production. I’m obsessed with taking projects from green light to distribution. 5 years from now I would love to be leading a team, maybe even as an EP, and spend my days taking projects from ideation to smash it.

Remember, they’re not asking for your life’s story 🙅🏼‍♀️❌ They just want to see if you’ll be a good fit. Showcase your dedication to personal and professional growth while aligning your aspirations with the company's values and future opportunities ✅ You got this!

If you're looking for more job searching tips, be sure to check out my Career Workshop Intensive, a 4-part program designed to help you land a job you love ASAP 🌈


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