How to Answer: “What is Your Greatest Weakness” in a job interview

In an interview, there’s a likely chance you’ll be asked the dreaded question: "What is your greatest weakness?" As much as I may hate it, this question still gets asked all the time. So let’s be prepared for it in case it comes up. Here are my strategies to properly address this question.

Name a true but almost irrelevant weakness

When picking a weakness, choose one that won’t detrimentally affect your job’s performance. In other words, don’t say you’re bad at math if you’re trying to be an accountant. Pick a weakness that is almost irrelevant to the job but still falls under the professional umbrella. Some common examples include delegation skills, work-life balance, time management, and confidence

Show that you are self-aware

Demonstrate your self-awareness by acknowledging your weakness and showcasing how you actively work to overcome it. It's all about balance! For example, if you tend to be overly meticulous, mention that you've learned to set realistic deadlines to ensure you don't get caught up in perfectionism. This shows growth and a willingness to improve.

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Turn weaknesses into strengths

Flip the script by transforming your weakness into a strength. For instance, if you struggle with public speaking, highlight how you've actively sought opportunities to improve your communication skills, such as joining Toastmasters or volunteering to give presentations at work. It shows that you're proactive and eager to develop your professional abilities.

Showcase Your Growth Mindset

Emphasize that you view weaknesses as opportunities for growth and learning. Mention specific steps you've taken to address your weakness, such as attending workshops or seeking feedback from mentors to demonstrate your commitment to self-improvement and personal development.

Be Authentic and Genuine

Above all else, be true to yourself. Don't try to give a generic answer or provide a weakness that you think the interviewer wants to hear. Instead, showcase your authentic self and let your genuine personality shine through. Remember, they're not just looking for someone with no weaknesses but someone who is self-aware and continuously striving to be better.

So, the next time you're faced with the dreaded question, "What is your greatest weakness?" don't panic. Spend 10% of your time identifying the weakness and the rest talking about how you’re working to fix it. By following these tips, you'll transform a challenging question into an opportunity to showcase your unique qualities and leave a lasting impression on your interviewer. Good luck, bestie!


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